‘Ever After’ by Merry Ellen Kirk (Single)

Merry Ellen Kirk ‘Ever After’ single cover
Merry Ellen

Merry Ellen: as a way to introduce us to her new material, Ever After is a subtle gem and a triumph

Nashville-based songwriter Merry Ellen Kirk’s latest single is a heartfelt love song which successfully marries timeless sentiments with innovative production

Merry Ellen Kirk 'Ever After' single coverhead of the release of Nashville-based songwriter Merry Ellen Kirk’s new album, We Are The Dreamers, comes her latest single Ever After. As with the first track to be taken from the record, Lovers & Liars, it starts with vocals and piano before Kirk becomes enveloped within percussion and synth. Like a niggling doubt about a relationship, it builds until everything comes crumbling down under the weight of uncertainty.

Opening with Kirk softly singing “wish you would stay, please don’t go / baby I need you now more than ever” there is potential for Ever After to slip into cliché. Thankfully there is enough inventiveness in the production to protect it from such criticism. It has the feel of a love song from the 80s which manages to wear age-old sentiments on its sleeves whilst still sounding original, like an updated take on Cyndi Lauder’s Time After Time – a cover version of which Kirk has also included on her album.

As an example of Kirk’s talent and as a way to introduce us to her new material, Ever After is a subtle gem and a triumph.

Verdict: An ethereal indie-pop ballad

Duncan Haskell

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