A documentary about Janis Joplin wil premiere in Venice this September
Cat Power narrates the documentary, which could be the first film about Joplin’s life to make it to the screen
scar-nominated director Amy Berg is making a documentary film about the life of Janis Joplin. Entitled Janis: Little Girl Blue, the film will premiere at the Venice Film Festival in September, and has been made with the full approval of the Joplin estate.
Narrated by US singer-songwriter Cat Power, the film will include concert footage, interviews with Joplin’s family and friends, and Power reading out some of her letters. A statement issued by Berg says: “After attempting to get this film off the ground for seven years, I am ecstatic that the film is finally ready to be seen. This has been a labour of love, and I cannot wait to share Janis’ unique, intimate story with the world.”
It may have taken seven years, but Berg’s had more luck than most in getting a Joplin film completed, with at least four previous biopics or documentaries (one of which we reported on last year) having been announced but run aground before they were finished. Berg’s previous documentaries include 2006’s Deliver Us From Evil, about sex abuse in the Catholic church; 2012’s West Of Memphis, about a high-proile murder case in Arkansas; and 2014’s An Open Secret, about sexual exploitation in Hollywood.
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