EXCLUSIVE! ‘Queen of the South’ by Raina Bee & The Hive

Raina Bee
Raina Bee

Today’s exclusive is by the sublime, Raina Bee & The Hive

Our pre-Christmas exclusive is a driving acoustic track by a truly sublime Staten Island, New York collective you’re gonna love

They’ve been together for just a year but already they have an EP (November 2016s Stung) to their name. Now New York’s rootsy folk collective Raina Bee & The Hive are here to bring you today’s exclusive.

It’s titled Queen of the South and of the track Raina says: “Queen of the South is kind of a revenge fantasy song. It’s about someone who wronged me and imagining what I wish I could do to them in response.

Continuing: “The whole Queen of the South thing is somewhat alluding to the civil war and that the relationship was kind of a war. A lot of the South burned during that period and there was a lot of retribution so it made sense to me to kind of tie the things together.”

They’ve been likened to Amy Winehouse, Fiona Apple, and Regina Spektor, and we couldn’t agree more. But don’t just go with what we say. Listen below and decide for yourselves…

Like that? Then find Raina Bee & The Hive on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, or at their own website.

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