‘Sustainability In Song’ by When Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday (EP)

When Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday’s ‘Sustainability In Song’ EP artwork
When Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday

When Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday: folk songwriter Jo Mango heads-up the project

This is a record that takes the issue of creating a more sustainable future by tackling it here and now

When Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday's 'Sustainability In Song' EP artworkWhen Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday draws together songwriters, academic researchers and sustainability organisations, to create a project whose focus is upon considering how we can take ownership of the present to create a more sustainable future.

Folk songwriter Jo Mango heads-up the project, with contributors including Adem, Louis Abbott of Admiral Fallow and Craig Beaton of The Unwinding Hours, the University of the West of Scotland’s Jo Collison Scott, the University of Manchester’s Angela Connelly, the University of Edinburgh’s Matt Brennan and Creative Carbon Scotland’s Gemma Lawrence.

Despite the project’s noble cause, the question is whether the music stands-up to criticism. Featuring three songs which evolved from songwriting sessions Mango held in London, Manchester and Edinburgh and which are all included as live recordings, the record is replete with delicate folk melodies and tumbling vocal harmonies.

Of the three tracks it is closer The Ceasing which is the strongest, as it really takes a grip on the heartstrings and refuses to let go until you are taught and fragile. However, that is not to denigrate the other two songs to feature, as both Better Lands and If I Could Chose are very fine folk numbers.

Sustainability In Song is a record that takes an issue of tremendous importance and tackles it both sensitively and assertively. The music more than backs up it’s message and while it is unlikely to shift as many copies as Adele’s 19, 21 or 25 for those who hear it Sustainability In Song could be just as important.

Verdict: Sustained songwriting with academic credentials

Damien Girling

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