‘Ready’ by Broken Boy (Single)

Broken Boy-Ready
Broken Boy

Check out Broken Boy ‘s new single Ready

Another group of pretenders toss their hat into the crowded indie field and hope that it lands among welcoming scenesters

Broken Boy-ReadyReplete with jarring and lacerating guitar riffs, a throbbing bassline and crackling drums, indie trio Broken Boy make a bid to join the throbbing throng of their genre on their brand new single Ready.

There’s a little of White Lies’ post-punk vibe in the rhythm section, but the most immediate hook is the jarring guitar work and insouciant vocal drawl. Recalling Arctic Monkeys at both their most youthful and self-assured, they hark back to the mid-noughties indie renaissance and drive the track on.

Indie never really left the collective conscious completely. It has, though, suffered fallow periods of slumber and the question is whether the world is ready for another band to try their hand and win. With a chorus that’s catchy enough to stick in the ear after Ready’s three minutes have finished, the signs are certainly promising, and with enough little touches to stand out from the crowd you can expect to be hearing more of Broken Boy before 2015 ends.

Verdict: Appealing indie that suggests this trio have much to offer

Damien Girling

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