Traversing through misunderstandings and internalised feelings, the Midlands singer-songwriter arrives at a place of resilience on this upbeat indie-folk number...
James Spectrum of Pepe Deluxé takes us on a tailored journey of discovery that pays tribute to the mighty axe...
George Brandon on how he put together this classic folk ballad about a doomed young man lost to the sea...
Stepping out from behind the metaphors and suppressed feelings, the folk singer-songwriter finds his true self within this autobiographical offering...
Here’s our hand-picked collection of 40 superb new songs where we can give the songwriters all the credit they deserve...
Sisters Mabel and Ivy Windred-Wornes step back into the Nova Scotian winter as they reflect upon their enchanting new record...
Paul Hartnoll shares a playlist of songs that inspired him and Phil to form the electronic duo and leave home...
The Lumineers co-founder takes us through each track on his atmospheric new album, there’ll be ‘No Surprises’ when you’re through...
Filtered through her sensitive prism, life’s vivid palette is brought to life by the Swedish singer-songwriter on her new album...
The Finnish electronic-pop outfit invite use to learn all about a song born from a fear of losing someone dear...
With both songs and love, something that has the capacity to be difficult and frustrating occasionally unfolds effortlessly and naturally...
From Windrush’s legacy to Bristol’s rebellion, this EP is a reggae celebration of Black British experiences, blending history and family...