Do the latest in the line of folk revivalists let go of the past and offer something new? Let’s see.

The music is drawn from that glorious time between the mid ’60s and the late ’70s when acoustic guitars and beautiful vocal harmonies were never far apart. You get the sense that the songs were written to be played round a camp fire, as the day melts away and the burning embers float into the air. Whilethere’s a little of the sadness that underpinned many of the artists of this era, one never feels that Fossil Collective are in the midst of any emotional turmoil – it’s just beautifully bittersweet.
Unlike some contemporary acts, Fossil Collective don’t make vague references to anonymous hipster bands, whose obscurity scores more points than the quality of their music, and there’s no sense that the duo are sharing a private joke as the listeners decide whether they dare admit they’ve never heard of any of the bands being referenced. Instead there’s a real appreciation of the craftsmanship of truly excellent songwriters, and the result is five absolutely marvellous songs.
So will Fossil Collective achieve the recognition afforded to the likes of Fleet Foxes, Laura Marling and Mumford & Sons? We will have to wait and see. What’s indisputable is that any fan of classic folk-rock will find two kindred spirits in Fossil Collective.
Verdict: A fine collection of harmonious, Neil Young-inspired folk songs that are sure to melt even the frostiest hearts.
Buy Let It Go now from iTunes
Damien Girling
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