Let’s Hear It For The Dogs by The Proclaimers (Album)

The Proclaimers – Let’s Hear It For The Dogs album cover
The Proclaimers

The Proclaimers in reflective mood. Pic: Murdo Macleod

The latest release from Scottish brothers Craig and Charlie Reid is testament to their unique songwriting ability and distinctive sound

The Proclaimers – Let’s Hear It For The Dogs album coveraving seen a resurgence in popularity following the 2013 movie Sunshine On Leith, Scottish duo The Proclaimers have returned with their 10th studio album Let’s Hear It For The Dogs. It’s a record which doesn’t stray far from the successful formula that has helped twins Craig and Charlie Reid find a special place in the hearts of so many listeners, and that’s very much to their credit.

The band’s niche is a unique blend of sugar sweetened punk and heartfelt folk, combining to make an unmistakeable sound which belongs to The Proclaimers alone. Dave Eringa’s production provides occasional interesting flourishes, such as The Manics’ style orchestration on In My Home and the church organ on Ten Tiny Fingers, but largely (and thankfully) he hasn’t altered things too much.

All the hallmarks of classic Proclaimers are here. Their love of Scotland, and Edinburgh in particular, is ever apparent, in particular on the nostalgic Tuesday Afternoon. The lyrics alternate from the sentimental to the witty, peaking with Then Again the band’s laconic take on the BBC scandal with its pronouncement “I’m sleeping soundly in my bed cos Jimmy Savile’s still dead”.

Throughout their illustrious career the brothers have provided unforgettable moments of vocal entwining and another is provided here on What School. With the song winding down, Craig and Charlie begin repeating the album’s title refrain as well as the words “sniffing” and “licking”. It is compelling and oddly enchanting, the kind of inspiration which only The Proclaimers are capable of.

Let’s Hear It For The Dogs is a confident record which should help the duo maintain their current momentum. Their gift for original writing remains undiminished as does their unique ability of writing songs with universal appeal that are firmly rooted in the Scotland they love.

Verdict: The Proclaimers are still going strong on their 10th album.

Duncan Haskell

Watch the official video for You Built Me Up, the first single to be released from the album…

Songfest 2024

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