Last Resort Mexico by The Blind Dead McJones Band (Album)

The Blind Dead McJones Band

The Blind Dead McJones Band

The Blind Dead McJones Band are a real-life incarnation of that blues-rock bar band you secretly wish you were in

The Blind Dead McJones Bande’ve all done it at some point in our lives, I’m sure. Sat crouched on the edge of a bar stool, kneeling in towards a packed table, a grizzled bar band crackling pumped-up Muddy Waters riffs out in the background, as you bore your friends with the rehashed line, ‘I could do this’. Well, most of us might not be able to provide the guitar-driven backdrop to a night of hedonism, but most of us aren’t The Blind Dead McJones Band. Born into a bathtub of whiskey and dried with a beard doused in cigarette smoke, they’re the bar band we all wish we were in.

All that’s missing from album opener Blind Dead McJones is the sound of stools crashing to the floor as you rush to catch the opening notes of the band’s filthy blues-rock, ready to lose yourself in a haze of sweat, beads of spilt beer crashing against your limbs. Hang On There Boys mixes the pure adrenaline of Led Zeppelin with the swagger of Morrison Hotel-era Doors, before B3D eases its lazy melodies into the fray.

Anyone expecting the rising liquor levels to cause the quality of music to seesaw in the opposite direction need not afraid – The Blind Dead McJones band can hold their booze. The album’s remaining tracks stay true to the raw energy of their predecessors, with a little of The Black Keys’ sandpaper coarse vocal delivery thrown in for good measure. Highlights include Real Cool Time and Haunted. Bonus track Wolf Ends closes Last Resort Mexico with a pure distillation of the album’s raucous essence and, as it slips away, swallowed up by the dead air of an already creeping hangover, leaves you wondering why the band can still stand as you fall.

Why? Because The Blind Dead McJones Band were born to rock ‘n’ roll.

Verdict: Bristling blues-rock to get you up off your bar stool

Damien Girling=

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