EXCLUSIVE! ‘Ballerina’ by James McCartney

James McCartney
James McCartney

James McCartney

Songwriting is delighted to bring you the premiere of a second track from James McCartney’s forthcoming album ‘The Blackberry Train’

Two weeks ago, Songwriting premiered Alice, a track taken from James McCartney’s next album, The Blackberry Train. Today, we’re very happy to be bringing you a first listen to a second track from that same album, Ballerina.

Compared to Alice, Ballerina is a little more traditional in approach. Where we compared Alice to ‘Ben Folds Five meets Jane’s Addiction’, Ballerina is most obviously redolent of R.E.M at their most heartfelt and yearnsome (think Daysleeper or South Central Rain), but also makes use of the kind of soft-loud-soft-loud dynamics that the likes of Radiohead and Muse have founded entire careers upon.

In fact, we mentioned the Radiohead comparison to James when we interviewed him recently (you can read the interview in issue 7 of the Songwriting magazine app, which is out early May). His response? “I know what you’re saying actually, but it wasn’t really intentionally done that way. I don’t really like talking about my lyrics that much, because I think it’s open to interpretation. It’s however the person who hears it, perceives it.”

So, how do YOU perceive Ballerina?

Like that? Then find James McCartney on SoundcloudFacebook and Twitter, or at his own website.

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