This website was born 10 years ago and since 2014 we’ve published 30 issues of our digital magazine, interviewing over 500 songwriters along the way – Dolly Parton, Sheryl Crow, Gary Numan, David Crosby, Billy Bragg, to name a few. Now is the time to take things to the next level by creating a high-quality print edition, packed with all the advice and inspiration a songwriter could need. Our readers, interviewees, supporters and contributors all agree that Songwriting should exist in a physical form as well, and we’re eager to make this a reality.
To launch the print magazine, we’re running a crowdfunding campaign – to raise the capital needed to ensure its success and, more importantly, establish a committed tribe of subscribers who truly want a physical copy of Songwriting Magazine. As well as being the first to get their hands on the mag, those supporting the campaign will receive exclusive rewards and an opportunity to play a part in our future.
Songwriting Magazine is dedicated to inspiring and informing songwriters – of all genres – in the art and craft of writing music and lyrics. If you need help overcoming writer’s block, want tips on how to improve your home studio or advice on the best songwriting apps currently on the market, our writers are here to help. Not only that, we interview some of the biggest names in the world of music, delving into their writing process and uncovering the stories behind the hits. So whether you’re at home or in the rehearsal room, in the studio or out on a stroll, you’ll always have Songwriting Magazine to hand.
We’ll be running a crowdfunding campaign to make this all possible. Sign up below to be the first to know when we’re launching and to receive exclusive early-bird offers.