EXCLUSIVE! ‘The Great White’ by Late Sea

Late Sea
Late Sea

Late Sea are backed by the Kevin Spacey Foundation

Our first exclusive of the week is from a trio who are backed by one of Hollywood’s most famous sons

New York trio Late Sea describe themselves as “Purple beats // Ambient poetry.” The Great White is the first part of the group’s debut visual EP The Writers Trilogy and if it’s anything to go by then we can’t fault their self-assessment.

They’re aided by their subject choice for the song, with the music, lyrics and video written as a farewell elegy to the German poet Paul Celan. Speaking of the influence of Celan on the track, composer and vocalist Izzy Gliksberg says, “His words are crystalised. My bones glow. The song and video are our attempt to bring that mystery into our work.”

They’ve recently been described as a hybrid of Nicholas Jaar and Leonard Cohen or James Blake and Nick Cave. It’s a bold claim, but one that hasn’t brooked much argument with us, while the quality of the song is only highlighted by the fact it was funded by the Kevin Spacey Foundation and the video was directed by Emmy nominee Andrey Alistratov and Hazuki Aikawa.

But what do we and they know? Listen below and see what you think…

Like that? Then find Late Sea on Twitter, YouTube, Soundcloud and Facebook or at their own website.

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