ADMAN: “I’ve been thinking for a while that there must be a plethora of beautiful songs that have been carefully written and crafted, but have never seen the light of day.”
All you songwriters seeking to find your place in the music industry fear no more, because Lost Songs is here
Are you a songwriting talent that’s waiting to be discovered? Then don’t waste a minute and join the Lost Songs project, which is seeking the great undiscovered tracks that will rival the likes of Lennon and Sheeran.
Ticking Tree’s songwriter ADMAN began the Lost Songs project as an appeal to all songwriters to dust the cobwebs off their unreleased songs, and bring them into the public domain. As ADMAN says: “I’ve been thinking for a while that there must be a plethora of beautiful songs that have been carefully written and crafted, but have never seen the light of day. They are drifting, lost. We believe that out there, somewhere, just waiting to be found, are songs like Lennon’s Imagine, Adele’s Someone Like You, Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud, and so on. That is what inspired the Lost Songs project: we want to find them! It really could be that one day, when listening to music on the radio, people will be saying, “Did you know, that was once a Lost Song?”
Entrance to the Lost Songs is simple. All you need to do is to do is to agree to the Lost Songs Terms and Conditions and upload your song onto the dedicated YouTube channel. The entries will then be vetted by an industry panel, with those who make the cut then contacted directly by the Lost Songs team. All entries will then be listened to by an industry panel and those who have made it through to the next round will be contacted by the Lost Songs team. The songs which make it this far will then fight it out for the chance to feature on a Lost Songs album, with the winning entry to be commercially released as a single.
Lost Songs have kindly released a video that gives further details on how to submit your song, which you can watch below. So what are you waiting for? Let your lost song be found…
I have many songs ready for recording, what could you do for me, and at what cost? I would be happy to fund out.