Car insurance company offers a songwriter’s ‘dream job’

Safeauto and DreamJobbing
Safeauto and DreamJobbing

SafeAuto need help to create original music for the company’s ‘Enjoy The Road Ahead’ advertising campaign

SafeAuto and DreamJobbing want a musician to fly to California, create original music for an advertising campaign and win $10,000

olumbus, Ohio-based car insurance company, SafeAuto has teamed up with DreamJobbing – a service that connects talented people to organisations offering once-in-a-lifetime dream jobs – to find a talented songwriter to help create original music for the company’s ‘Enjoy The Road Ahead’ advertising campaign and win $10,000.

Starting 1 September, the dream job will be closed to new applications, but fans can still voice their opinions by liking and commenting on their favourite applications and sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to boost the popularity of their favourite musicians and help them land the gig.

On 8 September, SafeAuto will announce the top 12 candidates, who will have one more week to drum up all the attention they can. On 17 September, SafeAuto will choose one candidate to win the songwriting dream job, $10,000, and a trip to California (including airfare, accommodation and a per-diem) for the opportunity to help create an original song for a SafeAuto advertising campaign alongside professional composers and producers.

The company is accepting applications for the SafeAuto Songwriter dream job until 31 August. For full details, visit:

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