Ear Trumpet Labs’ Josephine: a sculptural design reminiscent of early broadcast microphones
The Portland-based maker announces the release of Josephine, a medium-large diaphragm condenser microphone designed for live vocal and ensemble use
Portland, Oregon-based craft microphone builder, Ear Trumpet Labs has announced the release of Josephine – a 26mm diaphragm condenser mic designed for live vocal and ensemble use. The unit is optimised for use by singers or acoustic ensembles from 6–48 inches away, with styling, form-factor and sound aimed at period swing, jazz vocalists or single-mic techniques with bluegrass or traditional musicians.
The design features a spherical stainless steel mesh headbasket spring-suspended in a large copper ring and is made largely from standard hardware elements. The head basket incorporates a silk and foam pop filter as well as Sorbothane shock and vibration damping to minimise handling noise. The capsule is a Chinese-made electret condenser with additional acoustic damping.
The circuit is a transformerless FET with fully balanced output and EMI noise suppression. Other electrical components in the signal path are metal film resistors, polypropylene and polystyrene capacitors, and individually tested, hand-matched and biased transistors and JFETs. The circuit also includes moderate bass roll-off to compensate for proximity effect, and high frequency EQ to avoid harshness and help control feedback.
Find out more about Ear Trumpet Labs by watching the video below. Price and availability of the Josephine microphone is yet to be confirmed, but more details can be found at: eartrumpetlabs.com
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